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Aug 22, 2009 7:02pm
walking papers localization
I'm super happy to say that Walking Papers Issue #9 has just been closed, thanks to the invaluable help of Jonas Kreukel and Milo van der Linden, who graciously volunteered to translate the entire site into German and Dutch, respectively. This is my first venture into a completely-localized site, and it's now set up to allow other volunteer translators to offer their own languages. Poland, France, and Italy currently hold the 4th, 5th, and 6th position in the country zeitgeist, any takers?
Comments (3)
Hi Michal, I'm interested in helping with the spanish translation. Feel free to contact me at manuel [at] simplelogica [dot] net.
Posted by mort on Saturday, August 22 2009 9:03pm UTC
Hi Mike, I'll do the French one. ;)
Posted by karl on Wednesday, August 26 2009 2:17pm UTC
Ups, you misspelled my name and there seems to be something wrong with Milo's name as well. Anyway, everyone who wants to make another translation should take a look here: http://walking-papers.org/language.php The best way is to go to github, fork walking papers and start translating. The spanish translation from mort already looks really good. If you're new to git (I'm still quite new and Michal had to help me as well in the beginning) you can contact me via github.
Posted by Jonas Krückel on Wednesday, August 26 2009 8:54pm UTC
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