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Aug 17, 2009 4:40pm
pick us for sxsw 2010
It's panel picker season again. Here's us:
Maps, Books, Spimes, Paper: Post-Digital Media Design
The Internet is situated in the real world, and interesting experiences have to blend physical and digital. Mixing new technology - Arduinos, GPS, RFID, QRcodes - and old (web, paper), we present examples of the recently possible future, and the lessons we've learnt. And we'll make something along the way.
- Chris Heathcote (meta loca)
- Aaron Straup Cope (Flickr)
- Michal Migurski (Stamen)
- Ben Terrett/Russell Davies (RIG)
- James Bridle (Bookkake)
Create a SXSW account if you haven't already and give us a thumbs-up. Here's another good one to vote for while you're there: God / Admin Interfaces with Gavin Bell, Matt Biddulph, and Kellan Elliott-McCrea. Now to go look through the remaining 2K+ panel ideas for interesting ones that haven't been specifically brought to my attention by friends...
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