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Apr 15, 2009 4:34am

thirteen opens

Christian is at BayCHI, and I am not. "When you hear the word open they may be thnking about any one of these 13 things while you're talking about 1 or more of them..." @mlaaker:

  • (1) open source - free to use, community contributions, decentralized, high reliability (the following all @mlaaker) #bayCHI
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (2) open infrastructure - pay as you go (amazon....)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (3) open architecture, anyone can mod your product... on your product, plug 'n' play (mozilla)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (4) open standards - community driven, consensus, goal is interperability
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (5) open ontology ("this is one i just made up") - describe what can not be seen, future proof your data (microformats, rdfa)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (6) open access - APIs, mult-channel, third-party developers, partners can build on your platform (twitter, flickr, google maps)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (7) open canvas ("drifting to the user-facing side") - product becomes vehicle for 3rd-party content, your content to go (facebook et al.)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • 8) open content - user is the edtor, programming self-relevant content, content comes to you when , content starts hunting you down (rss)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (9) open mic - product is populated entirely by users, users own their own content, products support making/discover of content (wordpress).
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (10) open forum - users contribute ancillary data, ratings, reviews, ranking, link submissions, heavy social interaction (digg, amazon)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (11) open door (policy) - users engaged in product, organizational decisions, reveal operaton detail, open communication (getsatisfaction)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (12) open borders - users own their own content, data portability, users can vote with their feet, avoid lock-in antipattern (opml)
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck
  • (13) open identity - user as owner of identity, metes it out to sites on their own terms, 1 ID for many sites, power to the people #bayCHI
    about 1 hour ago from TweetDeck

Comments (9)

  1. Cool Stuff Mikee...even liked the amendments that Seth Godin Broadcasted today..

    Posted by Suhel Khan on Wednesday, May 13 2009 10:49am UTC

  2. I'm glad to see that some of you are moving along with the same idea as what I mentionned some tme ago : http://twocroissants.wordpress.com/2009/03/21/%e2%80%9copen%e2%80%9d-is-vague/ Chris Messina should do a talk on that subject tomorrow at Swift in Belgium; his slides should be upsoon after the talk, and I hope his speach too.

    Posted by Bertil Hatt on Wednesday, May 13 2009 2:12pm UTC

  3. I'm glad to see that some of you are moving along with the same idea as what I mentionned some tme ago : http://twocroissants.wordpress.com/2009/03/21/%e2%80%9copen%e2%80%9d-is-vague/ Chris Messina should do a talk on that subject tomorrow at Swift in Belgium; his slides should be upsoon after the talk, and I hope his speach too.

    Posted by Bertil Hatt on Wednesday, May 13 2009 2:12pm UTC

  4. Open bar : it is a place where you can find free beer. Here is where the confusion comes : http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html

    Posted by gaspard on Wednesday, May 13 2009 2:36pm UTC

  5. Open minded: that's how all the open stuff started

    Posted by Gert Jan Delcliseur on Wednesday, May 13 2009 3:34pm UTC

  6. Or better: Open mind: the possibility to see, listen and think about something else, look from another perspective. Good things will come when you are open. Look at Google, Facebook etc. It goes for platforms but humans too ;)

    Posted by Gert Jan Delcliseur on Wednesday, May 13 2009 3:41pm UTC

  7. You could add Open Space - a simple way to run productiove meetings and events, where the agenda and the outcomes are determined by the participants. See http://www.openspaceworld.org/news/ for the latest.

    Posted by Fourcultures on Wednesday, May 13 2009 11:12pm UTC

  8. Open wallet.

    Posted by Michael on Thursday, May 14 2009 3:04am UTC

  9. I recently realized (late to the game, perhaps) that open source - the original - is essentially just evolution...

    Posted by Turil on Thursday, May 14 2009 1:51pm UTC

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