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Nov 30, 2006 6:54pm
teach a man to fish
This is a lazyweb request for a math tutor. I know just enough linear algebra and matrix math to be curious, but not yet enough to be dangerous, and I'm looking for a tutor in Oakland, Berkeley, or San Francisco to help me fill in the gaps.
Ideally, I'd like to meet with a math student or professional for a half-dozen hour-long sessions that will help me understand terminology, notation, and concepts involved in linear algebra and (important!) how these apply to computer science domains such as data mining, search engines, document clustering, and other related topics. I'm particularly interested in being able to quickly understand and apply papers such as this or this.
I don't know how difficult this is for someone well-versed in the subject, so I can pay in food, beer, or US$. Amount negotiable. Write me at mike at stamen dot com.
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