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Apr 7, 2005 4:15pm
why python web programming matters
Ian Bicking on why Python web programming needs help:
Resolving Python's problems with web programming is the most important thing we can do to market Python. You might dismiss me as being self-centered, as I'm a Python web programmer, and we all think our own problems are the most important problems. But then I'm a web programmer because I think it's the most important and empowering development environment of our time - it has been for at least the last five years, and I'd be surprised if that didn't stay true for at least the next five years. And I am doing okay - these aren't my own problems I'm complaining about. I don't want to talk down Python web programming too much - if you are serious about web programming the initial investment will pay off, since Python is a great environment. But if you aren't committed enough to invest that time, and you want to produce something useful quickly, then - though it hurts me to say this - Python isn't a good choice.
It's telling that I found this linked from Mr. Rails' website, where commenter Jonathan LaCour sums up the situation thusly:
Python doesn't need a Rails clone. It needs something as cohesive as Rails. Rails is good because its a full stack that takes advantage of Ruby's strong points. Python similarly needs a full stack that takes advantage of Python's strong points.
I recently got serious about learning Python for web programming, and I feel the same way. I'm not a rails guy by any means (can't stand the moronic second-coming evangelism: "I can't stand Python. Thanks for wonderful framework, David. Ruby is golden!!!" OMGWTFBBQ.), but having written my own frameworks in PHP, I can see the value of a strong choice with high visibility. Zope ain't it, but that was the best the Python mailing list could come up with when I asked about moving from PHP.
The reason I'm sticking with Python for now is that it's an unmitigated joy to program in. List comprehensions, everything-is-an-object, simple entry-level web packages like Jonpy, and a general feeling of shit-togetherness all make it feel like a "real" language.
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