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Feb 17, 2011 7:23am
over there
I told myself I'd never write one of those "wish I could blog like I used to" posts. Better to just stop and not apologize for changing your priorities. Instead, it's nicer to say "Mostly I've been doing my writing over there.", where "there" is Oh Yeah, Paper, the thing I started over the holidays to document all the interesting uses of paper technology I encounter.
Also, this was a really nice thing to see this week:
Nobody makes data accessible and beautiful like Stamen. ... The firm's technological and aesthetic savvy has helped visualize much more, including taxi traffic, real-estate values, even crime patterns--all depicted in jarringly gorgeous maps.
We're in Fast Company's 50 Most Innovative Companies. BERG and Local Projects are in the design section, too. I also love that this is the second or third time that a print publication seeking to illustrate our work reach for Cheerio Maps. I'm truly looking forward to hearing from the legal department of General Peter Mills about our naming.
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