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Jan 7, 2015 7:38am

blog all oft-played tracks VI

This music:

  1. made its way to iTunes in 2014,
  2. and got listened to a lot.

I’ve made these for 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009. Also: everything as an .m3u playlist.

10. Voyou: Houseman

Gem pointed me to DJ Jeb Edwards’ Beat Bash mixes early in the year, each a themed collection of late 80’s and early 90’s dance music. Some industrial, some hip-house, some techno. Voyou’s Houseman was included on March 6th in a selection of Cold War tracks.

9. Pet Shop Boys: Bolshy

We saw Pet Shop Boys perform in Oakland in the spring, a fantastic show. I hadn’t realized they were touring in support of a new album. Fluorescent is another good track on that album.

8. Gidge: You

Neb proudly called out Gidge as a new addition to the slooowly-changing music rotation in his convertible.

7. Aphrodite’s Child: The Four Horsemen

I was curious to learn more about Vangelis, composer of the 1982 Blade Runner soundtrack. Aphrodite’s Child was his Greek progressive rock band formed in 1967, with Demis Roussos, Loukas Sideras, Anargyros Koulouris, and Vangelis Papathanassiou on keyboards. I found this song sticky, and was briefly scared that I like new age music. I had a song called Four Horsemen last year too, a popular theme.

6. µ-Ziq: Roy Castle

From the altogether-excellent Trance Europe Express vol. 3 compilation, which also introduced me to Biosphere and other key trance and ambient artists in college.

5. The Melvins: A History Of Bad Men

True Detective featured music selected by T Bone Burnett, and there’s a chunk of music here that I pulled together from track listings for the series. A History Of Bad Men can be heard in the background of the bar scene where Rust goes to meet Ginger.

4. Grinderman: Honey Bee (Let’s Fly To Mars)

More from True Detective. Honey Bee comes in right at the end of the infamous six-minute tracking shot.

3. Bosnian Rainbows: Eli

I played this one when Burrito Justice had me on his show in November. Haunting.

2. SIL: Windows (Original Mix)

Basically perfect 1991 Amsterdam prog-house.

1. Junior Vasquez: Live at Sound Factory 1993

A complete mix of New York disco and house.

Comments (1)

  1. Love it! Thanks for the music. Looking forward to checking all of this out.

    Posted by kc! on Wednesday, January 7 2015 7:05pm UTC

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