Michal Migurski's notebook, listening post, and soapbox. Subscribe to this blog.
Check out the rest of my site as well.
Feb 4, 2007 8:28pm
Did a little blog-housekeeping this weekend. Pair hasn't been particularly CGI-friendly for several months now (shared environment, limits on memory usage by scripts) so I translated the parts of Blosxom I was interested in to PHP, and moved away from Perl permanently. The only change you should see is that single-digit dates (like today, February 4) are now displayed without the leading zero, thanks to PHP's excellent date support. I cleaned up the RSS and Atom outputs a bit, and switched to Atom 1.0 as the default feed output. I have no plans to ditch the RSS feed, I just think that Atom's syntax is more aesthetically pleasing.
All links should continue to work as before, but obviously please send me a mail if you see any problems or find broken links.
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