Michal Migurski's notebook, listening post, and soapbox. Subscribe to this blog.
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Dec 20, 2009 6:14am
Why haven't I posted to this blog for almost two months? I hesitate to say "I'm busy" (even though it's true), but the real reason is that there's a sudden, astonishing volume of beauty and novelty flooding the web right now, and I've been content to play the fan for a few months, catching little bits of it as they stream by almost too quickly to follow. I'm doing quiet background things and trying to stay upright in the face of total inundation. It's my inputs that are busy, not my outputs. Big difference.
Most of what's coursing through the channels can be found here and here.
Now it's Christmas break, and I'm going to see if I can't pull together a tangible thing or two. Will report back later.
Too much.
Comments (3)
Love the Homer animated GIF. Actually is a strong enough visual to summon up my geeky memory of the audio; in addition to the gulp-swallow noises, I think he manages to utter a few "more" requests in between donuts. Hell Labs, Department of Ironic Punishment, yes? so is that the firehose of content you feel like you are suffering/thrilling nowadays?
Posted by Steve Portigal on Sunday, December 20 2009 8:05am UTC
I agree... that image explains exactly how I feel too.
Posted by maetl on Sunday, December 20 2009 12:30pm UTC
Right on, Steve, you're on the nose. =)
Posted by Michal Migurski on Sunday, December 20 2009 10:02pm UTC
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