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Aug 31, 2008 4:34pm
tracking hurricanes
This just went out yesterday, our new Hurricane Tracker for MSNBC:
I'm so impressed with the work, co-created by Tom and Geraldine with raw data licensed from Hurricane Mapping. They're evacuating New Orleans right now, I hope the reaction to this storm isn't as tragically bungled as the last one.
Comments (3)
Very impressive indeed-
Posted by scosol on Monday, September 1 2008 1:51pm UTC
is it offline? Or does it not work on my machine (ubuntu, ff3/opera)
Posted by Tim on Monday, September 1 2008 2:06pm UTC
Fascinating. As a next step, you ought to add something to overlay information about previous hurricanes as well (eg, many people are comparing (knee-jerk reaction) Gustav to Katrina, but it appears Gustav lost most of its energy in the middle of the gulf. It would be interesting to see how the two actually compare. -Brian
Posted by Brian Vandenberg on Tuesday, September 2 2008 7:00pm UTC
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