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Mar 5, 2007 7:55am

more against openID

(This post is an expanded version of a comment I left on Josh Porter's blog)

I expressed my reservations about OpenID last month, and here I am doing it again. A recent post from Josh Porter made me think some more about why I believe OpenID is such a stillborn concept.

I'm actually pretty impressed with the technology behind OpenID, especially its distributed design and lack of dependence on any one point of failure. The core promise for users is the ability to coordinate sign-on credentials between sites, so you only need to remember one username/password combination. It does this by treating your URI (the location of your blog, or whatever) as your identity, and authenticating against that. The site to which you're trying to prove your identity (the consumer, I guess) contacts the URI that stores your identity (the provider), some encrypted magic takes place, and you get to leave a comment or upload a photo without having to remember another set of login details. So far, so good.

The problem with OpenID is that it violates one of the longest-runnings stories we tell ourselves about the Internet, from the famous New Yorker cartoon:

They do a great job of arguing that it's a legitimately open protocol, with no patent encumbrance or vendor sports involved. I have no reason to disbelieve them, but I also don't believe the openness of the protocol matters. The point where it fails is that your proof of identity is only as good as its perceived strength. When I was younger, getting into bars or buying booze for the under-21 people I knew meant having a fake ID, and it was commonly known that some states has shittier licenses than others. I forget which was which, but you were supposed to pretend to be an out-of-state student from a place where they used cheap laminate, no holograms, and common fonts on the ID itself. These were the ones you'd try to fake, and it was up to the bouncers and bartenders to decide whether your scuffed-up, delaminated card was a fraud.

OpenID suffers from this same problem, but I can see it leading to a chain reaction of lameness that brings us right back to where we are now, in terms of identity on the web:

  1. Let's say you set up your own OpenID provider, littleguy.example.com. This is the core of OpenID's openness: anyone can set up their own provider. They have a list, or you can make your own. The account or server where your provider lives may be compromised, but OpenID consumers have no way of knowing it. How can they be informed that littleguy.example.com is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing?
  2. Because it's difficult to know whose identity provider is secure and trustworthy, smart identity consumers who actually let you do stuff with your identity will exercise caution in choosing the OpenID's they accept. SomeBigCo might decide to not accept identities from littleguy.example.com, treating it like an easily-faked drivers license. This is the point where OpenID's openness stops being important: the protocol may be pure, but participants still have to decide whom they can trust.
  3. It's kind of a crapshoot to figure out why SomeBigCo refuses to accept your provider, so you follow Simon's advice and set up a SomeBigCo identity. The point of OpenID is to have just one, so that's the one you decide to stick with. Now, every time you use that identity to authenticate someplace, SomeBigCo gets to know. It knows about your SomeBigCo accounts, your OtherBigCo accounts, and all your LittleOrg accounts, which is immensely valuable marketing information. If SomeBigCo knows that I have a $50/month Twitter Pro account, I start to look like the kind of person who might pony up for other services. Maybe SomeBigCo sells this information because its shareholders demand it be monetized, or an employee with a meth addiction and a vendetta decides to sell it on the black market. Maybe SomeBiggerCo buys SomeBigCo to get their hands on it. The point is that it's worth money.
  4. Meanwhile, OtherBigCo is unhappy that SomeBigCo knows all this stuff about when its users log into their OtherBigCo accounts, so it decides to stop accepting any non-OtherBigCo identities. All the value in OpenID is in being a provider, as Microsoft discovered when Passport got nowhere with non-MS companies who didn't like the idea of giving all their user information to Microsoft for free. This is square one: Yahoo!, Google, and Microsoft will happily provide OpenID, but see no long-term sense in consuming it. Your "identity" becomes useless anywhere outside those walled gardens, except in its original use case: leaving comments on blogs.

This is as it should be. People who know me know that I like to kill off old accounts as often as I start new ones, so the permanence of a global identifier has no attraction for me. People who read Danah on teens and social software know that kids happily put tons of time and effort in creating, maintaining, and destroying online identities, so I don't put a lot of faith in the tech consultants whining about how miserable they are having to recreate their LinkedIn buddy lists on last.fm. People who use Mac OS X know that the whole "ZOMG too many passwords!!1!" issue can be dealt with cleanly and elegantly by client-side keychain software that stores your valuables on your own machine, where no one is tempted to sell them for marketing purposes except you (Root's big idea in 2005).

The ridiculous thing about OpenID is that it has no value unless loads of people buy in, which I assume is why there have been so many "we will support OpenID mumble-mumble" announcements in recent months. If it gains any traction at all, it's going to be just like the consumer credit system without all that pesky government oversight getting you a free personal report once a year and going after abusers. It's a cute technical approach to a big, hairy social status quo, and I'm sitting here writing a big-ass diatribe about it because I don't want to find myself forced into signing up for a SomeBigCo account two years from now and getting all my shit stolen or sold, ChoicePoint-style.


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