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Feb 8, 2007 3:31am
Ever since visiting BMW's design strategy group in Germany two years ago, I've been thinking about switching to a standing desk (that's a photo of former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld using his!). I've also more recently been suffering from sciatica, which makes sitting for any length of time kind of an ordeal.
So, my friend Bryan helped me design a new desk that would fit on a typical 30-inch tabletop, let me type at a natural height, and place my computer monitor at eye-height. We decided on maple hardwood legs and a Richlite surface, and I've been using it here for the past two weeks. He's an enormously talented carpenter and cabinetmaker, and the finished piece feels solid and indestructible.
I couldn't be happier with my new non-seating arrangement. It helps my leg feel better, but it's also a more comfortable work surface overall. Two things not visible in these photos make it workable: An anti-fatigue mat on the floor keeps my feet from hurting (though they do, a little), and Synergy on the two computers lets me use the one keyboard & mouse to control the laptop.
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