import sys import re import os import ModestMaps import subprocess import tempfile import PIL.Image cs2cs = '/usr/bin/cs2cs' gdalinfo = '/usr/bin/gdalinfo' gdalwarp = '/usr/bin/gdalwarp' gdal_translate = '/usr/bin/gdal_translate' proj_bng = ['+proj=tmerc', '+lat_0=49', '+lon_0=-2', '+k=0.999601', '+x_0=400000', '+y_0=-100000', '+ellps=airy', '+units=m', '+towgs84=446.448,-125.157,542.060,0.1502,0.2470,0.8421,-20.4894', '+units=m', '+nodefs'] proj_gym = ['+proj=merc', '+datum=WGS84', '+a=6378137', '+b=6378137', '+lat_ts=0.0', '+lon_0=0.0', '+x_0=0.0', '+y_0=0', '+k=1.0', '+units=m', '+nadgrids=@null', '+no_defs', '-tl', '-r'] proj_gps = ['+proj=latlong', '+ellps=WGS84', '+datum=WGS84', '+no_defs'] max_zoom = 18 proj_in = proj_gps proj_out = proj_gps corner_pat = re.compile(r'^(Upper|Lower) (Left|Right) +\( *([\-\d\.]+), *([\-\d\.]+)\)', re.M) projected_pat = re.compile(r'^"([\-\d\.]+)"\s+"([\-\d\.]+)"') def proj_in_to_out(x, y): """ Given an x, y coordinate in GYM, return (lon, lat) in GPS. """ proj = subprocess.Popen([cs2cs, '-f', '"%.15f"'] + proj_in + ['+to'] + proj_out, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proj.stdin.write('%.5f %.5f\n' % (x, y)) proj.stdin.close() response = projected_pat.match( print '%.5f %.5f' % (x, y), '--->',, if response: return float(, float( def image_bounds(filename): """ Given an aerial image filename, use gdalinfo to find its (northwest, southeast) bounds in GPS. """ lats = [] lons = [] info = subprocess.Popen((gdalinfo, tiff), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for corner in corner_pat.finditer(info): try: lon, lat = proj_in_to_out(float(, float( except: pass else: lats.append(lat) lons.append(lon) return ModestMaps.Geo.Location(max(lats), min(lons)), \ ModestMaps.Geo.Location(min(lats), max(lons)) def decompose(provider, coord, tiffs, tiffs_northwest, tiffs_southeast): """ """ filename = 'out/%(zoom)d-r%(row)d-c%(column)d.jpg' % coord.__dict__ output ='RGB', (256, 256), (0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)) # two locations based on coordinates northwest = ModestMaps.Microsoft.AerialProvider().coordinateLocation(coord) southeast = ModestMaps.Microsoft.AerialProvider().coordinateLocation(coord.down().right()) intersects = <= \ and >= \ and northwest.lon <= tiffs_southeast.lon \ and southeast.lon >= tiffs_northwest.lon if not intersects: return output if coord.zoom == max_zoom: print '-' * coord.zoom, filename for tiff in tiffs: intersects = <= tiff['northwest'].lat \ and >= tiff['southeast'].lat \ and northwest.lon <= tiff['southeast'].lon \ and southeast.lon >= tiff['northwest'].lon if intersects: # warp the image to a new TIFF file handle, warped_tiff = tempfile.mkstemp('.tif', 'warped-aerial-') warp = subprocess.Popen((gdalwarp, '-s_srs', '%s' % ' '.join(proj_in), '-t_srs', '%s' % ' '.join(proj_out), '-te', '%.15f' % northwest.lon, '%.15f' %, '%.15f' % southeast.lon, '%.15f' %, '-ts', '256', '256', tiff['file'], warped_tiff), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) warp.wait() os.close(handle) # make a PNG out of the TIFF so PIL doesn't bug out handle, warped_png = tempfile.mkstemp('.png', 'warped-aerial-') conv = subprocess.Popen((gdal_translate, '-of', 'PNG', warped_tiff, warped_png), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) conv.wait() os.close(handle) # paste the warped PNG onto our output warped_img = output.paste(warped_img, (0, 0), warped_img) del warped_img # remove temporary files os.remove(warped_tiff) os.remove(warped_png) else: topleft = decompose(provider, coord.zoomBy(1), tiffs, tiffs_northwest, tiffs_southeast).resize((128, 128), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) topright = decompose(provider, coord.zoomBy(1).right(), tiffs, tiffs_northwest, tiffs_southeast).resize((128, 128), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) bottomleft = decompose(provider, coord.zoomBy(1).down(), tiffs, tiffs_northwest, tiffs_southeast).resize((128, 128), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) bottomright = decompose(provider, coord.zoomBy(1).down().right(), tiffs, tiffs_northwest, tiffs_southeast).resize((128, 128), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) print ' ' * coord.zoom, filename output.paste(topleft, (0, 0)) output.paste(topright, (128, 0)) output.paste(bottomleft, (0, 128)) output.paste(bottomright, (128, 128)) return output if __name__ == '__main__': tiffs = [] for tiff in sys.argv[1:]: tiff_northwest, tiff_southeast = image_bounds(tiff) tiffs.append({'file': tiff, 'northwest': tiff_northwest, 'southeast': tiff_southeast}) northwest = ModestMaps.Geo.Location(max([tiff['northwest'].lat for tiff in tiffs]), min([tiff['northwest'].lon for tiff in tiffs])) southeast = ModestMaps.Geo.Location(min([tiff['southeast'].lat for tiff in tiffs]), max([tiff['southeast'].lon for tiff in tiffs])) print tiffs print northwest, southeast decompose(ModestMaps.Microsoft.AerialProvider(), ModestMaps.Core.Coordinate(0, 0, 0), tiffs, northwest, southeast)